
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Almost Finished Here.

Hey! I'm posting a blog two week after the last one. Woop! Woop! Go me! It's my birthday! (Ok. It's not my birthday. But that's how the song goes. Don't hate.)

I still can't believe that I am moving. Across two states! Woah. Two whole states? Am I really ready for this? The answer? Yes! I am ready to get out of this town! I am ready to move on and go on new adventures in my life. I'm pretty stoked because I found out that I am about four and a half hours from New Orleans, LA (Hello, weekend trips!) and about four hours from Biloxi, MS. (A little fun never hurt anyone, right?)

But for real, I really feel so unprepared. But honestly, besides packing, I don't know what I need to do. Are there some special moving preparedness procedures that I'm not doing? I mean, I did get a call back from a job that I applied for. That's some good news since my last post. I have an interview two days after getting there. (Funny story, I did my first interview over the phone while driving through a storm. Safe idea, right? *sigh* Priorities.) I'm very thankful that I actually have something going for me when I get there. I just pray that I get the job. Hopefully everything goes well with all of this. Wish me luck! I'll keep you guys updated! Peace out!

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