Their pets make me laugh. Ocean, the Boarder Collie, never leaves my side. Ezra, the Papillon, is seriously the cutest dog I have probably ever seen. But she gets into everything. Dora, the cat, is creepy but really cool. I never see this cat move but she's never in the same spot when I see her. She's also very lazy.
Funny Story. On the way here I passed a town called Farmville. Yes, Farmville. It's in Alabama. I never knew that was an actual place. I thought it was just a game. However, that town wasn't far from the game. I almost got out of my car to go pick some guys corn to get some coins to feed the cows. It really entertained me that this was a real place.
Being unemployed is very weird to me. I'm not used to not waking up every day and going to work. I finally interviewed with JCPenny. It was the strangest interview I have ever had. Yesterday it was a group interview filled with teamwork puzzles and pitching fake ideas. My idea won. Just saying. It was really weird. But I kind of enjoyed it. I had to go back this morning for my one-on-one time. Again, it was weird but I really enjoyed today better than yesterday. I had to do some visual merchandising and customer interactions with the manager of the store. I had to "sell her some shoes" for her "new position". I really enjoy role play stuff. So, it was fun. I really felt that I proved myself today. I just hope that it was good enough for the position. What position did I apply for? At this point, I have no idea. I've never had to go through this much for a job. I just hope it works out and pays well. *fingers crossed.* I'm gonna wait and see if I get the job before applying for others. Pray that I get the job!