
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This Side of the Mississippi.

So, As most of you know, I'm no longer a Georgia resident. So far, living here is pretty awesome.  Everyone knows everyone is this town. Seriously. I got my hair cut and everyone was asking me why I moved here and if I knew anyone here. Turns out, one of them knows my sister-in-law. Their kids are awesome to live with. They get into everything. But I love them.

Their pets make me laugh. Ocean, the Boarder Collie, never leaves my side. Ezra, the Papillon, is seriously the cutest dog I have probably ever seen. But she gets into everything. Dora, the cat, is creepy but really cool. I never see this cat move but she's never in the same spot when I see her. She's also very lazy.

Funny Story. On the way here I passed a town called Farmville. Yes, Farmville. It's in Alabama. I never knew that was an actual place. I thought it was just a game. However, that town wasn't far from the game. I almost got out of my car to go pick some guys corn to get some coins to feed the cows. It really entertained me that this was a real place.

Being unemployed is very weird to me. I'm not used to not waking up every day and going to work. I finally interviewed with JCPenny. It was the strangest interview I have ever had. Yesterday it was a group interview filled with teamwork puzzles and pitching fake ideas. My idea won. Just saying. It was really weird. But I kind of enjoyed it. I had to go back this morning for my one-on-one time. Again, it was weird but I really enjoyed today better than yesterday. I had to do some visual merchandising and customer interactions with the manager of the store. I had to "sell her some shoes" for her "new position". I really enjoy role play stuff. So, it was fun. I really felt that I proved myself today. I just hope that it was good enough for the position. What position did I apply for? At this point, I have no idea. I've never had to go through this much for a job. I just hope it works out and pays well. *fingers crossed.* I'm gonna wait and see if I get the job before applying for others. Pray that I get the job!

Monday, July 22, 2013

People like to talk.

People keep asking me why do I want to leave Columbus. My answer? I've been here 22 years. I've pretty much done and seen everything this town has to offer. I'm become bored with this place. I just want something different. But, lately, the question that I've gotten the most of is "What does your family think?" Honestly, I hate this question. They're not gonna say that I can't go just because they'll miss me. And if they did, I'd probably just straight up laugh in their faces. My family knows that I've never wanted to stay here my whole life. I've never been one to stay put, even as a child. So, naturally, they knew I would eventually leave. I know that I will be missed. I will also miss my family. Sure, they want me to successful. But they also want me to be happy with my life. I feel that I can't be both here. They are proud that I'm finally making a huge decision on my own without any influences. 

I keep seeing things everywhere that say something to the extent of "Be you." or "Don't let people influence your life." These things have been everywhere lately. I don't know why I keep noticing them. But they make me feel like I'm making the right decision for my life. I hope. I also feel like people think I'm gonna move and just go wild and crazy. But of course these are the people that don't exactly know me personally. If you know me, you know that I would never do that. I would never want ruin the reputation that I have.

"Well what are you gonna do in Mississippi?" I plan on working and eventually going back to school. Not much will change. Just a new place. I do plan on changing my major from Pharmacy Technician to Marketing with an emphasis on Social Media. Maybe take some Graphic Design classes too. "Why? That's so much different that what you're doing now." Another question. Great. I've never wanted a technical career. My Aunt wanted me to go to Columbus Tech. So, I did. I hated it. I dropped out after three semesters and here I am. This still might not be what I want to do with my life. But it sounds so exciting to me. I love Social Media and good designs. So, I thought, why not make it part of my future? Maybe it will work out. Who knows? We'll see.

I'm sure people will be talking about me moving for the next few months. But that's okay. I expected it. I just didn't know it would start before I even left. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Almost Finished Here.

Hey! I'm posting a blog two week after the last one. Woop! Woop! Go me! It's my birthday! (Ok. It's not my birthday. But that's how the song goes. Don't hate.)

I still can't believe that I am moving. Across two states! Woah. Two whole states? Am I really ready for this? The answer? Yes! I am ready to get out of this town! I am ready to move on and go on new adventures in my life. I'm pretty stoked because I found out that I am about four and a half hours from New Orleans, LA (Hello, weekend trips!) and about four hours from Biloxi, MS. (A little fun never hurt anyone, right?)

But for real, I really feel so unprepared. But honestly, besides packing, I don't know what I need to do. Are there some special moving preparedness procedures that I'm not doing? I mean, I did get a call back from a job that I applied for. That's some good news since my last post. I have an interview two days after getting there. (Funny story, I did my first interview over the phone while driving through a storm. Safe idea, right? *sigh* Priorities.) I'm very thankful that I actually have something going for me when I get there. I just pray that I get the job. Hopefully everything goes well with all of this. Wish me luck! I'll keep you guys updated! Peace out!